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By Dr. Ray Stantz
Not really sure, but I guess this commercial is something ok to talk about now, right?
If not, do what you have to with this topic, but whatever. Just wanted to post a small
portion of a fan script I had begun writting to come up with SOME scenario that I could
stick to what we were seeing being posted and the film we all wish it could have been.

I didn't write anything past what I'm posting...as I simply ran out of ideas, that and shortly after
the actual comemrcial aired. However, it was fun, just wanted to see what you thought.






Open on a high shot of the skyline. We feature the Statue of Liberty in the foreground and then
pan in over the harbour. It is a crisp Autumn afternoon.


We see several shots of the city's commuters and vendors going about their daily business.
There is the occasional bump in that warrents some argument, but the citizen's keep moving.
Over all, a good vibe fills the city.

In a particular alley way we come in on a group on young kids playing the sterotypical game of
back alley baseball. They run from makes-shift mat to make-shift mat while other kids shout from
the side lines. GABE, a very scrawny, geeky kid, approaches the plate. The baseball bat trembles
in his hands. TRENT taunts from the side.

Alright gang, let's move it up. He's a punter.

The other kids laugh and follow the lead of Trent. Gabe swallows hard and plants his feet film in the
ground under him.

KID #1
Swing batter batter,swing!

(under his breath)
Today is the day Gabe. We're sending it out of the park.

The pitcher glares hard at Gabe. He spits to the side a wad of big league chew as he firmly grips
the tatherd baseball between his fingers. He reels up and pitches. Gabe closes his eyes as the
ball hurls towards him and he swings the bat hard, not knowing really what he's going to hit. The
ball connects with the bat and goes well over the other kids heads and out of the alley. They all watch
as it soars over head and Gabe looks on in awe.

I did it!

Now run you idiot.


He throws the bat off to the side, but it doesn't land on the ground. Instead it seems to sour through
the air and up in to a near by building. It propells through one glass window and out another as it turns
a corner out of the alley. By this time the kids have stopped to watch, Gabe dead in his tracks.

KID #2
Man, he must be working out.

EXT. ALLEY: Around the corner we see the baseball bat hit and clank against what appears to be a
large mass of other metal junk, as if the bat had been pulled towards it.

INT. ALLEY: The kids watch the corner as a rumble fills the street under them. Gabe looks to a puddle at
his foot that begins to ripple, i.e. Jurassic Park. He looks back up at the corner where his bat had dissapeared.
The rumble becomes louder and lounder as a large metal hand, comprised of junk grasps the building
and pulls forward an upper half of it's metal body to peeks in to the alley at the children.

Most of them scream in terror and run, while a few stay to look on.


Trent stands terrified. The monster roars in to the alley sending the remaining children running.
As they dissapear over a fence the monster stands to persue. As it does, other metal trash and
objects from the alley pull towards it.

EXT. NEW YORK STREET: We see a group of people run from around a corner followed by a wave of
dust filling the street behind them. The giant trash monster follows slowly in the fog. As terrified citizens
pass, others notice and follow.

INT. CAB: An indian driver occipies himself on his cell phone while stopped at a light. A pair of older women
sit in the back chatting up some Wall Street business.

--And the way things are going, I'm just going to have to--bail--out.

She looks back to notice the havoc coming towards her. People begin running past the cab and the
older woman abandon the cabbie who remains unaware until the door slams.

(half out of Indian language)

He looks around at the people running past his car.

Oh dear.

He looks in his rear view and notices a very large metal foot coming down over his car.


He bails just in time as the foot comes crashing down, crushing the vehicle.

EXT. INTERSECTION: A black vehicle, something small like a Scion of sorts, comes speeding around
the corner.

EXT. NEW YORK STREET: We see a small girl riding her bike down the side walk as it is suddenly
jerked from under her and up towards the sentinal.


Suddenly the small black vehicle fish tales around another corner, stopping on the same street as
the monster, but several yards away. They stand off for a moment, very western style. People continue
running, but no one gets out of the vehicle just yet.

EXT. BLACK VEHICLE: The door finally opens, giving off sort of an elctronic sounds, insinuating that
maybe there is more to the car than seen. From the car door steps out a heeled leather boot topped
with matching leather pant leg. We pan out as the person continues to exit revealing a woman, LEXI,
in a leather jump suit. On her chest is a '3' emblem to signify her team. Her read hair is tied tight back in
to a bun. From the back of the vehicle CHAD exits, also wearing a black jumpsuit and from the driver's seat
exits TROY.

Team, let's gear up.

The three members go to the back of their vehicle and lift the hatch, also giving a very exagerated
hydraulic sound. In the back of the vehicle are three very technology driven looking back packs, each
one wired to a pistol of the same style and scheme. Each one presses a button on the packs side,
activating the digital screen display in the center of the pack. The three hoist the packs on to their pack
with what seems to be ease. They close the hatch and walk around the vehicle.

EXT. STREET: Now facing the monster on foot the three elite monster hunters pull their pistols and power
them on with a low hum. The creature pays them no real mind and continues towards them, little item
springing off the street and clinging to his body.

Troy, what's his read out?

Troy pulls down a varge pair of bubbley goggles over his eyes. He flips them on and they light up as
he directs himself at the monster.

Two point five GBE's. Moving forward at seven YPS.

Charge beams....

The equipment hums at a higher pitvh then it's power on sound.


They aim their weapons and shoot at the monster. From their pistols, large blasts of green evergy
come rocketing from the tips. They handle the equipment like a fire hose.The monster looses a few
pieces from areas hit by the beams, but otherwise seams to pay them no mind as the areas are quickly
mended by surrounding materials. The monster bends over, grabbing a vehicle from the side of the road
and hurls it towards the team. They quickly switch off their beams and dodge. The car flies past them, knocking
in to the side of their vehicle and sending it back a few feet, doing a significant amount of damage.

Shit. What now Lexi?

Lexi preps to fire her pistole, but nothing happens. She hears sparks and looks to see that durring the toss,
her hose has been clipped and damaged.

My pistol's out.

She looks up quickly, coming face to face with a dumpster coming at her through the air. She rolls over, just
barely dodging it. Chad notices and becomes oviously defensive. He glares at the beast and gets up to
charge, giving off a battle cry as he runs. The monster swings it's arm at Chad, throwing him up against
the side of a near by building and knocking him out.

Troy is the only one remaining. He lifts his pistol as the beast approaches, but trembling, he can't seem to
get his finger steady on the trigger.

Oh jeeze.

Suddenly, in the distance or just on a parrallel street, the wailing siren a familiar emergency vehicle can
be heard nearing the scene.

From behind the piles up cars the Ectomobile quickly approaches. This is a slightly different car from the
last time we have seen in. Although the Caddy ambulance remains underneath, the roof equipment has
been significantly updated. It dawns just as much, if not more blaring lights, and has reverted to the original
NO-GHOST logo printed on it's sides.

The car comes to a haulting stop as smoke pours from the back of the vehicle. The dorrs open almost
all at the same time and in sync the boys in grey exit the cab. RAY STANTZ, EGON SPENGLER,
PETER VENKMAN, AND WINSTON ZEDDEMORE. Without a doubt they've got this down. Suddenly
another face emerges from the back of the cab, OSCAR WALLACE, the newest and younger member
of the Ghostbusters; Son of Danna Barrett.

They all go to the back of their vehicle to grab their own specialized equipment. Ray opens the hatch
and pulls out a long stretcher lined with PROTON PACKS. Each member quickly helps the other
shoulder a pack and strap in. Egon pulls put the PKE meter and instantly burries himself in it's screen.

What's the stats Spenggy?

Pretty constant flux. Class Seven it looks like, drawing in some sort of psycoelectro energy
causing the magnetic effect.

At the back of the car Oscar is getting handed a proton pack.

What's the piece today Winston?

The piece?

The 'piece' the new gear, what are you strapping me
to today?

Nothing fancy. ' Ghost Grenade'.

He pulls a web belt with a few cannisters strapped to it from the back of the car and hands it over
to Oscar, keeping one for demonstration.

Press here to activate. Get as close as you can to the spook and stick it.

Like in Halo. A sticky.


He closes the hatch to the back of the Ecto as Oscar walks away.


The five 'busters' enter the situation looking more than confident. Peter steps forward and puts
his hand on Troy's shoulder.

O.k. ladies, we're going to have to ask that you safely evacuaute the area. Once we engage the
beast, you WILL become a liability.

You can't just come in here and take over. This is our case. We were hear first.

I'm sorry, we?

He looks around at Troy's fallen team mates.

Who is we?

We...we're the Phantasm Three.


Troy stares at him blankly, onbiously not joking.

Oh, you're serious.

(off screen)

Peter looks up to see a lagr foot coming down at him. He grabs Troy and ducks out of the
way and over to the other 'busters'.

Damn it Johnny Storm, I told you to run! Now there has to be statements, and paper work, and
hospital bills.

He meets back up with the others on the side and just pushes Troy off, behind the nearest thing
that seems to be safe.

Evasive, wide angle on my count. Full stream. Oscar, run up the long shot and
see if you can plant that seed.

Got it.

Oscar sperates from the group and begins inching up a near by side walk, very military style, in
order to get closer to the monster. The other 'busters' pull their wands and walk off in to the street
behind the now passed monster. They stand, planting their feet firm as their wands chage to life.

Ready? One, two, throw em'!

The four together fire their proton streams at the beast. Colorful beams lined with blue lighning streaks
through the air and actually snare the arms of the creature. It howls in pain and jurks it's arms down,
causing the streams to slice them off. He doesn't seem to mind. He turns around and begins towards
the new hunters.

What now Ray?


He reaches to his side for a walkie talkie.

Oscar, what is your position?

EXT. SIDE WALK: Oscar is creeping even closer to the being, hiding behind and over turned car.

Closing in. Saw the last shot, just keep it coming. Slow him down.

EXT. STREET: Ray holsters his walkie talkie.

He needs more cover.

Well, lets give it to him.

Peter takes the lead and continues fore at the trash beast. The others follow.
The monster takes the hits, and looses body mass, but contines forward at a slow pace.

EXT. SIDE WALK: Oscar continues to inch towards the base of the monster. Pieces of metal scap fall
all around him as the monster continues to loose materials. Oscar tries to dodge, but gets hit as a large
scrap comes down and hits his side.


The monster then notices Oscar.

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Oscar quickly gets up as the monster leans in to swat at him. He dodges quickly, rolling over and
tossing a 'ghost grenade' on to the back side of the monster's arm.
It begins to beep rapidly. The monster tries to grab at it, but simply can't get it off.

EXT. STREET: The Ghostbusters see that the grenade has been planted and pull off their streams.
Ray quickly grabs for his walkie talkie again.

Oscar, take cover now!

EXT. SIDE WALK: Oscar notices the dumpster thrown earlier and makes a run for it. As he inches
closer and closer the beeps from the ghost grenade become more and more aparent and rapid.
Suddenly the ghost stops struggling as the device lets out a sudden beep and explodes in a fantastic
blue light of energy. The blue glow seeps through the cracks of the monster and pulss put, causing
any ecto energy to become drawn to the grenade. Oscar dives for the dumpster as the explosion goes out
over the city. Pieces begin to fall from the monster, the 'busters' dive behind other things near them.
Troy looks up from behind his baricade, squinting in to the light.

The energy desipates, and amoung the scaprs, trash, and materials, the ghost grenade falls from it's
former position to the ground. It lands roughly, but seems un-touched as it beeps twice, indicating it's
    PKE Meter build project!

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